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About Us

A Contractors Painter painting an interior wall, the photo is in black and white.
Personalized Approach

At Contractors Painting & Waterproofing, we understand that every project is unique and every project has a budget. That’s why we offer a wide range of improvement solutions, no matter the budget or project. Our team of professionals works with each client to create a custom solution to fit their needs by delivering the best results. Let us work with you to make your vision become a reality!

A Contractors Painting employee painting an exterior wall of a home.

Excellence and Professionalism 

Experience excellence & professionalism as only Contractors Painting & Waterproofing can deliver it. Only we offer the leading brands such as Sherwin Williams, Serenity Soundproofing, Sonoguard Waterproofing, and more. Discover why SWFL has selected us for over two decades! Experience the highest standard of professionalism at Contractors Painting & Waterproofing. Contact us today!

A Painter with a paint bucket in hand, walking up to a white house.

Insured and Guaranteed

Our #1 priority is your satisfaction.  We aim to make the painting process simple, stress free and maybe even fun. All of our work is guaranteed and fully insured!


Collier County: C34193 | Lee County: PT15-00694

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